Easy way to connect to Pis by ethernet on Ubuntu


This is the easiest way to get connected to a (potentially) headless computer like a Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, server without a monitor, etc. It’s easy and quite reliable.


Connect your main computer by ethernet cable to the headless computer.

Click the Ubuntu network icon (probably shown as the bars for Wi-Fi)

-> Edit connections

-> Wired connection 1 (or whatever your ethernet connection is called)

-> IPv4 Settings

-> Method: Choose shared to other computers

*Note: if you want to give your main computer a network connection by ethernet later, you’ll want to change the method back to Automatic (DHCP)*

Now open a terminal and type ip a.

You should see something like ‘eth0’ or ‘enp0s1’ with an IP address like Somewhere on that 253 IP range from to, your attached Pi has been given an IP. I like to go the direct route on finding the assigned IP, so I use nmap.

* be very careful about what you point nmap at! Corporations, governments, and even schools get quite angry if it looks like you’re port scanning *

Run the equivalent of nmap -n for the network your main computer has created for the ethernet-attached headless computer. It should come back relatively quickly with 1 result, for your attached computer. Take down that IP, and now you can SSH or VNC in (as set up in the image for that distribution)!


Although I usually use it for connecting to Pis, this general method can be useful for all sorts of things. For example, if you built a new desktop but forgot to buy a wifi card for it (or it won’t work without drivers), you could use a laptop as a bridge to the internet.

Written on April 29, 2018